Platform for Deliverance And Spiritual freedom


        When we recognize the sings of spiritual attract , we can focus on dealing with the curse and cause to over come those spells against you , spiritual attracts disappears before anyone can recognize there presence upon you that's why sometimes you relax thinking you have deliverance but yet it has just releases that your about to come against it.

                      1. when you struggle in your love life and relationship:
                          we may have to deal with people or curses which cause division , destruction and disputes in our live . there are evil spells that are made to destroy peoples relationship, there are spells in xhosa and Zulu called Isichitho or umqwaliso when one is suffering from these evil spells these are signs to look out for:

                        -ukunambuzelelwa ebusweni ingathi into ehambayo (itching of the face)
                        -ukurhawuzelela kulomhlaba ungezantsi (itching of the private)
                        -people suddenly losing interest in you
                        -people hating you for no reason (izothe)
                        -bad odour even after you have had a good shower
                        -misunderstanding with your partner and sudden fights 
                        -being sexually used in dreams or having continuous sex in dreams waking up when    your surely used and tired

                         Here are spells that are commonly used by evil people and deeply they destroy our lives, isicithi sentwala zehangu (piglice) , isicitho samangolwane ( chinken lice)   isicitho selndle (human faces) , 
                         If you believe that your under these spiritual attack , curse , or evil spells seek for help
                         rebuking the spirits operating in your life and as you cleanse away all evil impurities  
                         from your life . Or if you can come in for appointment please do, if your far away                                 call and i will cast a spiritual cleansing spell in your rightful names over the phone.

                         2.Extreme frustration 
                            This is when the enemy uses different circumstances to oppress the mind. A person  who is under attack finds themselves on edge, always anxious and suicidal.
                            -you feel out of control (imeko ezingaphaya kolawulo lwakho)
                            -overwhelmed ( uziva usindeka /udidekile)
                            -no hope ( uziva ungenathemba)
                            -heaviness on your back or shoulders (usindeka emqolo)
                             If you believe you feel like you have gone through a lot please try to consult so that  you can get help.
                         3.Attacks in your sleep .
                            A persons body , soul and spirit. Even though the body sleep , the spirit doesn't .
                            Remember that our struggle is not against the flesh but against the evil spirits                                        during the sleep. one may experience an attack in the form of a dream ( not all                                      dreams are spiritual attacks, but spiritual attacks comes through dreams)
                            Any one who is attacked through the dreams may experience the following 
                           -Being chased in dreams or fighting 
                           -Dreaming about snakes
                           -Drowning in water and dreaming of dirty water
                           -Eating in dreams and you wake up feeling as if you really just ate.
                           -Spiritual husbands or spiritual wives (impundulu)
                           -Breastfeeding or having painful breast in the morning after sleep.

                          4.When everything falls apart one after another .
                             We will always have problems but there comes a time when you experience a                                        problem one after another . when your cursed in such away or enemy attacks you                                  in this way , you always expecting something bad to happen. what ever you do                                      you expect the worse out of every situation because of your bad experience . it                                      affects your way of thinking and life carer for example: 
                            -Problems at work
                            -financial problems 
                            -sudden death of family members 
                            -health issues etc.
for any question out your life you might drop us a comment or call +277789866084