Let me give you my perspective, although, in comparison, it is a slightly different situation I went through. In my case, I was married to the love of my life and mother of my 4 children. Notice I said “was”!!
After a 22 year union, blissful at times, tumoltuos at other times, I always thought “until death do us part”. Call me a romantic or call me an idiot. That's how I thought.
We have been divorced now 2 years, so some of the wounds are still fresh despite the fact the our separation was mostly amicable. Remember, there are 4 children to think about. But nonetheless, at times it is painful.
While doing some soul-searching these past 2 years, I realized that my ex and I grew and went in different paths while we were still married and that was a mitigating factor that lead us here.
This means that she needed to do some work on her life and I too, needed to do some work on mine.VISIT HERE Why am I suddenly missing my ex? And why do I feel the itch to call and check on him?
OK, so here are the similarities to our situations.
1) You realized you needed to find and fix yourselves.
….. that's it!!! And this happens at different stages of life.
Will you get back together? No one knows the answer to that question. Only you and your boyfriend will have that answer in time. But what I can tell you is that once you guys go through the process of finding yourselves you might realize that you're not made for each other. Or perhaps you are!!!
Be ready emotionally for whatever the outcome.
As far as reaching out to him, let him reach out to you. But don't sit idly by waiting for him to do so. I, sometimes feel the urge to call my ex and ask her out for a drink but I know that would not be in our best interest at this time in our lives. but with some of our time we need to go to much deeper in this to fix our live because we all know that in life we cant leave without each other , i ended up consulting help from the mostly world famous traditional spiritual healer prof marick and he casted a voodoo love binding spell on us and all my issues with him were solved and we are back in real love as it used to be with my boyfriend , you can call or whatsap him on +27789866084 0r email proffmarickVISIT HERE Why am I suddenly missing my ex? And why do I feel the itch to call and check on him?@yahoo.com for more info
After a 22 year union, blissful at times, tumoltuos at other times, I always thought “until death do us part”. Call me a romantic or call me an idiot. That's how I thought.
We have been divorced now 2 years, so some of the wounds are still fresh despite the fact the our separation was mostly amicable. Remember, there are 4 children to think about. But nonetheless, at times it is painful.
While doing some soul-searching these past 2 years, I realized that my ex and I grew and went in different paths while we were still married and that was a mitigating factor that lead us here.
This means that she needed to do some work on her life and I too, needed to do some work on mine.VISIT HERE Why am I suddenly missing my ex? And why do I feel the itch to call and check on him?
OK, so here are the similarities to our situations.
1) You realized you needed to find and fix yourselves.
….. that's it!!! And this happens at different stages of life.
Will you get back together? No one knows the answer to that question. Only you and your boyfriend will have that answer in time. But what I can tell you is that once you guys go through the process of finding yourselves you might realize that you're not made for each other. Or perhaps you are!!!
Be ready emotionally for whatever the outcome.
As far as reaching out to him, let him reach out to you. But don't sit idly by waiting for him to do so. I, sometimes feel the urge to call my ex and ask her out for a drink but I know that would not be in our best interest at this time in our lives. but with some of our time we need to go to much deeper in this to fix our live because we all know that in life we cant leave without each other , i ended up consulting help from the mostly world famous traditional spiritual healer prof marick and he casted a voodoo love binding spell on us and all my issues with him were solved and we are back in real love as it used to be with my boyfriend , you can call or whatsap him on +27789866084 0r email proffmarickVISIT HERE Why am I suddenly missing my ex? And why do I feel the itch to call and check on him?@yahoo.com for more info