Loneliness that is brought on by the thought “Are you the only one who feels this way?.” Loneliness that is brought on by the thought “No one understand what I’m going through.” Loneliness that is brought on by the belief “I have to be strong, so I can’t ask for help.”tha'ts a storm.loneliness female Loneliness that is brought on by the feelings “I can’t trust anyone.” The loneliness that is brought on by the belief people will see me as a “monster or evil.” These feeling invade our very soul and the view of ourselves so much so, that we find ourselves living a lonely, isolated and friendless life. Desperate for how things used to be, but never having the courage to break free from our loneliness. Thus, we never find a new acceptance for who we are now, thus with all this feeling it cant take you no where other than being much more desperate, with my spiritual powers am able to enlighten your life back into reality to over come those challenges that you have been going through. The question is are you satisfied in life?